Kindred, a sports reporter, doesn’t apologize for his love
affair for newspapers, he relishes in it. Nevertheless, he pulls no punches in
“Morning Miracle” when discussing the financial and creative conflicts at the
venerable Washington Post. Kindred does one of writing’s toughest jobs …
reporting on reporters. He clearly gained the trust of his subjects, allowing
him to show divisions within the paper as it faced the pressures of declining
revenues and online competition.
Kindred also demonstrates a keen business sense and an
outstanding feel for corporate culture. His story could really be about any
company facing change. Kindred is there as long-time reporters and editors
reluctantly accept one of The Post’s generous severance packages with no idea
what they’ll do next. Meanwhile, turmoil is occurring within management’s
ranks, too, including the awkward transition of power within a family-owned
In “They Call Me Baby Booey,” Dell’abate’s biggest
challenges occur at home, as he struggles being the son of a mother with mental
illness. Like Stern’s “Private Parts” before it, Dell’abate’s book is a
surprisingly tender portrait of his family life. He candidly discusses his
brother’s death from AIDS, his mother’s mental health problems and his father’s
As for his professional life, Dell’abate’s success is really
a tribute to persistence. He takes multiple internships in college and joins
the Stern show on a trial basis with a modest salary only after tiring of his
job as assistant traffic reporter on the Don Imus’ show.
Dell’abate covers some key Stern show moments, including his
ill-advised videotape to an ex girlfriend and wayward first pitch at a Mets’
game. The paperback also includes a new chapter in which Dell’abate chronicles
his work on a USO show with the volatile Artie Lange. I would have enjoyed even
more Stern back-story, but it was a good read nevertheless.